An option here, an option there

When I was at primary school we play a lot about what we would be in the future, and all the time I was thinking about studying to be a chef. I loved the idea of cooking because we always did that with my grandma. She prepared the dishes, different sweets and more until I was play with some of the ingredients she gaved me in a small table. When we play the proffesions at the school, my teachers always were confused about what I wanted to be, because I was saying "repostera" and they understood "reportera". When we build some related with our "future jobs" I always finished with a microphone and I got angry with my teacher and classmates.

During middle school I though to be a mathematician or an astronomist, because I discovered that I love maths, and both careers have a lot of maths. Then I discovered that physics are realy complicated to me, but I continue
having both options in my hand, because being an astronomist was an ideal dream.

During high school, I developed a liking for science. I like to read a lot too, but I decided that I wouldn´t like to be a writer as profession because I thought it more like a hobby. I decided too that I will like to study something that have a lot of science, and for that until that moment my options were being a mathematician, an astronomist, a doctor, chemist, biologist or studying another career of this fac.

At the end of the school I was undecided about what I want to be. I studied for the PSU like I was going to get in medicine because if i got the weighing I was be enabled to enter in any career I wanted to get in. Medicine wasn´t being an option anymore because I was not sure of  some things of being a doctor. At high school I started watching "The Flash" and I love so much all the things of the proffession that has Caitlin Snow. So I decided biochemistry because it is similar, and also because the teachers that more inspired me in my school are teachers of chemistry and biology. So, I decided to study this career for being a reasearcher like Caitlin.

My experience until now at the university it was very confortable, because I like too much the environment and the people that i had meet until now. The classes for otherside, are very helpful because the subject is being to me like a review of all the things that I have seen at school.

For the future I would like to being a reasercher in my career, I don´t know yet in which area, but like I said before I would like to be like Caitlin, and maybe I will find something to investigate in the astronomy area, fixing it with biochemistry, like and astrobiologist.


  1. Me too! both thought for a while in the study of astronomy ... on the other hand, my best friend, like you, wanted to be a chef when she was a child. :)

  2. is interesting as having so many options to choose from, a tv series has helped you discover what you wanted in your future


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