
Hello, my name is Antonia Morales Berríos, I´m 19 years old and I have started studying Biochemistry this year, achieved past English I and II when I did the English test at the start of the first semester.

During this year I have started to realize more about what my weaknesses and strengths are in this language, and I think that I can understand very well when I´m listening to someone speaking English, but sometimes when this person is speaking very fast I start to confuse words or I don´t understand completely the ideas that he or she is trying to communicate to me. Also, I think that I have a lot of pet words when I´m talking or writing, especially with the words "also", "well", "even" and some verbs that I use to express my opinion, even when I try to change it.

My expectations for this class are to start to speak more fluently, try to use fewer pet words and get better with writing. I would like to see some texts related to what I study because even when they are reading yet Spanish texts, in some opportunities English texts appear and it´s useful to have some tools, not to get desperate or fruitless in these situations. And to finish, I would like to recognize the ways to express the verbs because it´s one thing that always confuses me very much, and I would like to express my English in a better way.


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