
Showing posts from July, 2019

My experience with blogs

I always enjoy writing, it´s something that I really love to do, but only what I do it for myself or for the people who I care about. I have notebooks at home full of my writings. A lot of nonsense paragraphs, songs written based on other ones. Stories that sometimes don´t end because of inspiration or time. Write to me it´s emotive and has started to be the next step when discovered worlds in books by reading did not feel sufferer. So yes... I like writing, but sincerely I don´t like the experience of this class. Maybe because of the schedule that has or because it was in the moments that I felt less inspired on the week. Since ever Wednesday afternoons and Friday mornings are my lazy moments in the week. These times where I don´t want to do anything at all. And also, I have written blogs before at school. In English too, and I don´t like it because even when the topics are chosen by the group class, I feel it like an attack for the inspiration. I feel that my writing skills

The sugar way

The body is amazing. Complex. Hard to understand. It haves too many functions, cells, and not even talk about the biological molecules. One thing that calls me too much the attention, it´s one of these elementary elements for life, it´s a simple carbohydrate, compound about six carbons, twelve hydrogens, and six oxygen atoms, and makes that our entire body works. I´m talking about the glucose, and especially about its pathway. If a person has their normal blood levels of glucose, there is no problem. A problem could appear when there are complications in the production of a hormone that helps glucose enter our cells to be used as energy: the Insulin. This hormone it's produced by the pancreas, located at the top of the abdomen, back of the stomach and it has a size of fifteen centimeters. The people that have a problem with Insuline it´s because the pancreas does not produce insulin or because it doesn´t produce enough. These conditions are diseases and answer to the n

Maybe it´s not only one subject...

Well; when I think about what is being my favourite subject this term I  don´t think that is being only one, because all of them have its advantages and disadvantages. But, if I have to choose between them, my favourites subjects this term will be Calculus Introduction and Basic Computing. In the first one, we have classes and seminaries. It´s a lot of theory and this theory is applied both in classes and seminaries, and also in the homework and the labs the teacher send to do by our own. I like this subject so much, because since I was a child I love mathematics, and even when I stop liking it at third year of high school (because my teacher was very strict and I haven´t got very good marks in the tests), I continue having a like for learn more about this science (actually the last year one of my options to study at university was apply to mathematics career in PUC. For the fact that in the classes are important the theory and exercise it´s kinda obviously that are importa